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1 Gas Street
Leigh, Lancashire, WN7 4PD
United Kingdom

01942 682 984

We are an established school clothing retailer based in Leigh.

We are an approved school wear retailer and have some fantastic offers on, for all your school clothing needs.

We offer a professional and reliable service with helpful assistants on hand for all your queries.

Savings Club

 Savings Club

We're delighted to announce the return of our Summer Savings Club!

We understand the costs associated with school uniforms, and we're here to offer some relief. Simply visit our store anytime to have your child sized up for their uniform. With a £10 deposit, we'll set aside their entire uniform for you. Take your time paying off the total before September, ensuring your child's uniform is secured well before the school year begins.

Don't fret if your child experiences a growth spurt between now and September. Once you've made the final payment, you can take the uniform home to try on. If adjustments are needed, simply bring the items back to the store, and our staff will happily exchange them for the correct size.

Enjoy the peace of mind knowing your child's uniform is sorted hassle-free